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Traços / Traces
Long exposure series with Digital Photography


Exposição Synchronous Satellites, 2021

Wherever we go, we leave our traces there and the place also leaves its impression on us. 

Although photography is related to memory, and I bring vestiges of a moment with long exposures, I do not aim to make a linear memory or bring the exact fact of what happened in a place. Through colors, shape distortions, and blurs, I invite the observer to compose a meaning to the image and understand unseen forces of a residual materiality. 


Exposição Vestigios, 2019

WhatsApp Image 2019-09-27 at 22.34.19 (1).jpeg

Exposição Vestigios, 2019


Exposição Vestigios, 2019


Exposição Vestigios, 2019


Exposição Vestigios, 2019

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